Instruction Manual V1.2 - 11/2006
5. Operation
2. Cryochamber temperature:
Press key until menu item ‘Set chamber
temperature’ is displayed:
--> Continue as described for
specimen temperature.
3. Preset counter
(instruments with sectioning motor only):
Press key until menu item ‘Preset
counter’ is displayed:
= Preset counter activated
= Preset counter deactivated
Preset counter function:
The preset counter allows the user to carry out
a predefined number of sections in the ‘Continu-
ous stroke’ sectioning mode.
Once the preselected number of sections has
been carried out (= section counter reading ‘0’),
the specimen head will stop automatically in the
lower limit position.
The reference value (i.e. the value from which
the preset counter counts downward) can be
selected in the corresponding menu item.
In order to be able to set a reference value, the
preset counter function must be active.
If the preset counter is deactivated (see diagrams
above), press
to activate.
Now there are two options:
1. Increase or decrease the actual reference
value by pressing
or .
2. Press
and simultaneously in order to
reload the former reference value (‘0’ when
setting up the instrument) and then press ei-
or individually in order to select
the desired reference value. Depending on
where you start from and where you want to
go, method 1 or method 2 is quicker (see ex-
Example 1:
Actual preset counter reading = 50
Former reference value = 300
New reference value of 65 to be selected.
Method 1 is most convenient:
• Increase from 50 to 65 by pressing
Example 2:
Actual preset counter reading = 50
Former reference value = 300
New reference value of 320 to be selected.
Method 2 is most convenient:
• Press
and simultaneously to
reload old reference value (300):
• Increase from 300 to 320 by pressing
For further information on the preset counter,
please refer to chapter 5.3.6, Item 4 ‘Preset