Instruction Manual V1.2 - 11/2006
This instruction manual includes important
instructions and information related to the
operating safety and maintenance of the
The instruction manual is an important part of the
product. It must be read carefully before using
the instrument for the first time and must always
be kept with the instrument.
If additional requirements, which exceed the
scope of this manual, are imposed by regula-tions
and/or laws on accident prevention and
environmental protection in the country of
operation, appropriate instructions for
compliance with such requirements must be
added to this manual.
Read this instruction manual carefully before
attempting to use or operate the instrument.
Please pay particular attention to
chapter 2 (safety features, safety
instructions). - Please read this
information, even if you are already
familiar with the operation and use of
other Leica products.
1. Important information
1.2 Designated use
The Leica CM3050S is a powerful cryostat for
routine as well as research applications in
biology, medicine and industry.
The instrument has been designed for rapid
freezing and sectioning of tissue samples.
The instrument has not been designed for un-
attended storage of tissue material.
The instrument may only be operated within the
scope of its designated use as described above
and as per the instructions given in this manual.
Any other use of the instrument is considered
1.3 Qualification of personnel
The Leica CM3050S may only be operated by
trained laboratory personnel.
All laboratory personnel designated to operate the
instrument must carefully read the present
instruction manual prior to starting work with the