Care and Transport
6 Care and Transport
6.1 Transport
Transport in the
When transporting the equipment in the field, always make sure that you
• either carry the product in its original transport container,
• or carry the tripod with its legs splayed across your shoulder, keeping the
attached product upright.
Transport in a road
Never carry the product loose in a road vehicle, as it can be affected by shock and
vibration. Always carry the product in its transport container and secure it.
Shipping When transporting the product by rail, air or sea, always use the complete original
Leica Geosystems packaging, transport container and cardboard box, or its equiva-
lent, to protect against shock and vibration.
Shipping, transport
of batteries
When transporting or shipping batteries, the person in charge of the product must
ensure that the applicable national and international rules and regulations are
observed. Before transportation or shipping, contact your local passenger or freight
transport company.