Supplementary instruction manual V 1.2 07/2002
Safety instructions -
cleaning disinfection and maintenance
Only authorized service technicians
may access the internal components of
the instrument for service and repair!
Cleaning detergents appropriate for
the ultramilling attachment.
Varnished surfaces:
mild laboratory detergents (slightly
moistened cloth)!
Non-varnished metal parts:
mild laboratory detergents,
xylene substitutes (slightly
moistened cloth)
alcohol (slightly moistened cloth).
For disinfection of the instrument and
accessories use Leica Cryofect or
other commercial disinfectants. - Use
all disinfectants according to the
manufacturers instructions.
When disinfecting, wear appropriate
goggles and mask as well as protec-
tive gloves.
Dispose of potentially infectious
specimen material as per the labora-
tory regulations applicable in the
country of operation.
No liquids may enter the interior of the
instrument during cleaning, disinfec-
tion or maintenance!
Do not exceed a milling thickness set-
ting of 5 µm with the following materi-
als: brittle, very ductile materials such
as titanium or fiberglass and com-
pound samples containing such mate-
rials (such as printed circuit boards).
During milling:
switch on the vacuum cleaner,
wear appropriate safety goggles,
wear appropriate mask (type of
mask depends on the material being
milled / size of the chips that form
during milling).
Goggles and mask prevent milling
chips and microdust from entering
your eyes and from being inhaled.
Caution - rotating miller:
After switching off the milling spindle
(button (37) - chapter. 5.4.11, p. 34 - in-
struction manual Leica SM2500) the
miller continues to rotate for a little
When switching off the mains switch
on the control unit (see chapter 5.2, p.
21 - Instruction manual Leica SM2500)
the milling spindle will rotate briefly.
Therefore, never switch off the control
unit, while one of your hands is in the
rotation zone of the miller.
- Risk of injury!
Never touch the milling spindle while
it is rotating and/or while the plexi-
glass cover is shut, no matter whether
the spindle is rotating or not.
Safety instructions -
working with the instrument
2. Safety