Leica SP 2600 Ultramilling attachment
Recommended milling thickness settings for pre-milling
10 µm - keep milling until surface is completely level.
5 µm - three entire sledge strokes (milling and return stroke).
3 µm - three entire sledge strokes (milling and return stroke).
Do not exceed a milling thickness setting of 5 µm with the follow-
ing materials: brittle, very ductile materials such as titanium or fi-
berglass and compound samples containing such materials (such
as printed circuit boards).
Recommended sledge speed settings for pre-milling
Milling stroke: 1.5 mm/s
Return stroke: any speed
Recommended rotational speed of miller for pre-milling
2,000- 3,000 rpm (depending on specimen type)
Recommended mode of operation for pre-milling
Select continuous mode of operation.
Starting the milling procedure
During milling:
switch on the vacuum cleaner,
wear appropriate safety goggles,
wear appropriate mask (type of mask depends on the material
being milled / size of the chips that form during milling).
Goggles and mask prevent milling chips and microdust from enter-
ing your eyes and from being inhaled.
Switch on the vacuum cleaner (via button (35) on the control unit - see
chapter 5.4.11, page 34 of Leica SM2500 instruction manual) or via the
on/off switch of the vacuum cleaner itself.
Start sledge stroke (buttons (29), (30) - chapter 5.4.10, p. 33 - Leica
SM 2500 instruction manual).
Carry out the milling steps as per above recommendation.
--> See next page for a perspective view of the pre-milling procedure.
5. Operation