Leica SP 2600 Ultramilling attachment
Ending the finishing milling procedure
Press RUN STOP or RUN ENABLE to stop the sledge (buttons (29), (30) -
chapter 5.4.10, page 33 - Leica SM2500 manual) - or, when working in
PROG mode of operation, wait for the programmed number of strokes to
be finished (see chapter 5.4.3, page 26, Leica SM2500 manual)
If the specimen sledge has not stopped in the front limit position, activate
manual mode of operation MAN (button (5) - chapter 5.4.3, page 26, Leica
SM2500 manual) and move the specimen to the front limit position (via
buttons (58) or (59) - chapter 5.4.14, page 37- SM2500 manual) .
Stop miller rotation (button (37) - chapter 5.4.11, page 34 - Leica SM2500).
After switching off the milling spindle (button (37) - chapter. 5.4.11,
p. 34 - instruction manual Leica SM2500) the miller continues to
rotate for a little while!
Risk of injury!
Remove the specimen for subsequent microscopic examination.
Slide plexiglass protective cover to upper position.
Never touch the milling spindle while it is rotating and/or while
the plexiglass cover is shut, no matter whether the spindle is rotat-
ing or not.
Remove the finishing miller.
5.9 Switching the instrument off (switching off the control unit)
Once all milling procedures have been completed or at the end of your
workday, switch off the mains switch at the rear of the control unit.
When switching off the mains switch on the control unit (see
chapter 5.2, p. 21 - Instruction manual Leica SM2500) the milling
spindle will rotate briefly.
Therefore, never switch off the control unit, while one of your
hands is in the rotation zone of the miller.
- Risk of injury!.
5. Operation