
Diagnostic Information 2-57
Multi-Purpose Feeder (MPF) Motor and Sensor Service
1. Remove the rear cover from the printer.
2. Remove the engine board cover.
3. Install the multi-purpose feeder.
4. Check for a voltage reading at connector (J10) pin 1 for
approximately +36 V dc on the engine board. If the voltage is
incorrect, replace the engine board. If the voltage is correct, go
to step 5.
5. Remove the feeder from the printer.
6. Remove the left cover.
7. To check the motor, check between pins 1 and 5 on the motor
connector for approximately 16.8 ohms. If the reading is
incorrect, replace the multi-purpose feeder motor. If the reading
is correct, check the continuity between each pin 1 and 5 to the
motor case. If continuity exists, replace the motor. If the
symptom remains, go to Power Supply Service Check on
page 2-63 . To check the sensor, check pins 7 and 8 to ground
at connector (J10) for a voltage reading of approximately 5 V dc
each, with MPF installed and power on. If the voltage is
incorrect, replace the engine board. If the voltage is correct,
remove the multi-purpose feeder and check between the motor
connector pins 4 and 8 with the negative meter lead on pin 4
and positive lead on pin 8. Check for a reading of approximately
3.7 ohm. If ohm reading is not correct, replace sensor. See MP
Feeder Sensor Test on page 3-28 .
Top view of the multi-purpose feeder connector pin numbers: