
PortMaster Documentation
xviii PortMaster Configuration Guide
The manuals are also provided as PDF and PostScript files on the
PortMaster Software CD
shipped with your PortMaster.
In addition, you can download PortMaster information and documentation from
ChoiceNet® Administrator’s Guide
This guide provides complete installation and configuration instructions for
ChoiceNet server software.
PortMaster Command Line Reference
This guide provides the complete description and syntax of each command in the
ComOS command set.
PortMaster Configuration Guide
This guide provides a comprehensive overview of networking and configuration
issues related to PortMaster products.
PortMaster hardware installation guides
These guides contain complete hardware installation instructions. An installation
guide is available for each PortMaster product line—IRX™, Office Router,
Communications Server, and Integrated Access Server.
PMconsole™ for Windows Administrator’s Guide
This guide covers PMconsole Administration Software for Microsoft Windows, a
graphical tool for configuring the PortMaster. The majority of the material in this
guide also applies to the UNIX version of PMconsole. Lucent recommends that you
use the Java GUI PMVision rather than PMconsole to configure and manage a
PortMaster Routing Guide
This guide describes routing protocols supported by PortMaster products, and how
to use them for a wide range of routing applications.