
TCP and UDP Ports and Services B-3
ntalk 518 TCP Newer version of Terminal-to-terminal chat
router 520 UDP Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
uucp 540 TCP UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Protocol (UUCP)
uucp 540 UDP UUCP
uucp-rlogin 541 TCP Variant of UUCP/TCP
uucp-rlogin 541 UDP Variant of UUCP/IP
klogin 543 TCP Kerberized login
klogin 543 UDP Kerberized login
pmd 1642 TCP PortMaster daemon in.pmd
pmconsole 1643 TCP PortMaster Console Protocol
radius 1645 UDP Remote Authentication Dial-In User
Service (RADIUS)
radacct 1646 UDP RADIUS accounting
choicenet 1647 UDP ChoiceNet
Table B-1
TCP and UDP Port Services
Service Port Protocol Description