<COMPANYNAME Value="Microsoft Corporation" />
Display element
The level of UI that Setup displays to the user.
The equivalent option in the OCT is the Display level and license agreement settings in
“Licensing and user interface” in Office Customization Tool (OCT) in Office 2013 Preview.
Level="None" | "Basic" | "Full"(default)
CompletionNotice="Yes" | "No"(default)
SuppressModal="Yes" | "No"(default)
NoCancel="Yes" | "No"(default)
AcceptEula="Yes" | "No"(default)
The following table describes Display element attributes and values.
Display attributes
No Setup UI is displayed. If you set
Display Level="none", Setup
runs a silent (unattended)
installation. See the Remarks
section for more information.
Setup displays a Welcome screen,
the product key (PIDKEY) page (if
it is needed), the software license
terms page (if you need it), a
progress bar, and the completion
notice (if it is allowed).
Setup displays all UI to the user.
Only applies if Level is set to
"basic" or “none”: Setup displays