
If the user who is running Office is not the same user who installed Office, Office prompts the user to
confirm his or her Username and Initials when Office first starts. This case is most popular in a
corporate environment, where an administrator installs Office for the user.
The value for the Username element shown to the user at first start time might be pre-populated with a
default value from a previously installed version of Office or from the currently logged-on user. Note that
the default value is not used unless it is confirmed by the user. If an earlier version of Office is installed
on the computer, the registry key that was created by the earlier version of Office is used. For example,
if the previous Office installation is Microsoft Office 2003, the registry key is provided at
<USERNAME Value="John Doe" />
Sample Config.xml file
The following example shows a Config.xml file for a typical installation. The example uses the Office
Professional Plus 2013 Preview version of the product.
<Configuration Product="ProPlus">
<!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="no" /> -->
<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Plus
Setup(*).txt" /> -->
<!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> -->
<!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> -->
<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->
<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->
<!-- <LIS SOURCELIST="\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office" /> -->
<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office" /> -->
<!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> -->
<!-- <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="IfNeeded" /> -->
<!-- <Command Path="%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi"
QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->