3 Compare the copy with the
The source image is displayed
on the left, the retouched copy
on the right, with the options
used to create the copy listed
at the top of the display.
the multi selector in the
direction indicated by the
arrow adjacent to the
highlighted image (1 3 4 or 2) to switch between the
source image and the retouched copy.
To view the
highlighted picture full frame, press and hold the N button.
If the copy was created from two images using [Image
overlay], press 1 or 3 to view the other source image.
To exit
to playback mode, press the G button. To return to Step 2
with the highlighted image selected, press J or the center of
the multi selector.
D Side-by-Side Comparison
The source image will not be displayed if the copy was created from a
photograph that has since been deleted, is currently protected (pg. 244)
or hidden (pg. 281), or contains embedded image authentication
information (pg. 356).
Options used to
create copy