• Adapter Cord MC-25: Ten-pin to two-pin adapter cord for
connection to devices with two-pin terminals, including the
MW-2 radio control set, MT-2 intervalometer, and ML-2
modulite control set (length 20 cm /8 in.).
• GPS Adapter Cord MC-35 (pg. 221): Connects GPS devices to D3X
via PC cable supplied by manufacturer of GPS device,
allowing latitude, longitude, altitude, Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC, pg. 224), and heading to be recorded with
photographs (length 35 cm /14 in.).
• GPS Unit GP-1 (pg. 221): Record latitude, longitude, altitude,
and UTC time with pictures.
• Modulite Remote Control Set ML-3: Allows infrared remote control
at ranges of up to 8 m (26 ft.).