❚❚Flash Settings
Press the M button and rotate the main command dial.
Choose flash
mode (pg. 196)
A The Fn Button
Depending on the option selected for Custom Setting f4 ([Assign FUNC.
button], pg. 333), the Fn button and command dials can be used to select
from FX, DX, and 5 : 4 image areas, toggle between FX and DX image
areas, select shutter speed and aperture in steps of 1 EV, choose pre-
specified lens data for non-CPU lenses, select the focus point, choose a
shooting menu bank, or select the number of focus points for dynamic-
area AF.
A The Depth-of-Field Preview and AE-L/AF-L Buttons
Depending on the options selected for Custom Settings f5 ([Assign
preview button], pg. 339) and f6 ([Assign AE-L/AF-L button], pg. 340), the
depth-of-field preview and AE-L/AF-L buttons can be used with the
command dials to perform the same functions as the Fn button.
M button Main command dial Top control panel