Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 53
[log name]
Command Option Description
GROUP DEL - Command
groupname group name The name of a group (e.g. “alpha”) which is either being deleted
or modified
log name log name An individual log, currently an element of the named group,
which is to be removed from this group
group del alpha
group del alpha p20a
Syntax 4:
This command is used to delete all group information from the non-volatile memory.
Syntax 5:
This command is used to copy group information from group groupname_from to group groupname_to. If groupname_to
already exists, groupname_from overwrites it.
GROUP COPY groupname_from groupname_to
This command provides a means of manually specifying immediate logging commands; this command disables scheduled
operation. Logging can be directed to a specific file, or to a specific serial port. The filename is rejected if it conflicts
with an existing filename. One of the serial ports may be specified in lieu of a filename, in which case the logs are
transmitted from the specified port. If no filename or serial port is specified, a file is opened with an auto-generated
filename and data is logged to it. If a serial port is designated as the destination, no SoftSurv header or HDRA log is
issued; rather, a GRPA log is issued to give the logging parameters.
If a filename is specified, the extension .PDC is automatically added. A path cannot be specified; that is, the file is
created in the default working directory.
There are two syntactical forms, as shown below:
Syntax 1:
The system allows you to select multiple log groups to be active simultaneously, but not to the same port. For example,
“loggroup test testfile” and “loggroup default com1” will result in the “test” group being logged to a file named
TESTFILE.PDC, and the “default” group being logged through the COM1 serial port. However, the commands
“loggroup test com1” and “loggroup default com1” will result in the first loggroup session being cancelled and the second
Command Option Description
LOGGROUP - Command
groupname group name The name of a group (e.g. “alpha”) which is to be logged.
keyword filename The name of the file (without the .PDC ending) in which data
will be recorded.
COM1 or COM2 The serial port to which data will be sent.