Appendix E – DL Commands
DL™ User Manual Rev 3 55
The PDC LOG, PDC UNLOG and PDC UNLOGALL commands are used to control logging of PDC parameters to
either a COM port or to a data file. The behavior of PDC LOG, PDC UNLOG and PDC UNLOGALL commands are
consistent with the behavior of the Millennium GPSCard LOG, UNLOG and UNLOGALL commands, respectively, with
the following notes:
• The PDC LOG command is restricted to a maximum log rate of 1Hz, and supports only the ONCE,
ONTIME and CONTINUOUSLY triggers. A trigger specification of CONTINUOUSLY is equivalent to
a trigger specification of ONTIME, 1.
• Only selected PDC logs are supported by the pdc command (see datatype in Syntax 1). PDC log structure
is described on Page 64.
The PDC FRESET command (Syntax 4) restores the factory configuration of the PDC parameters.
Syntax 1:
PDC LOG [destination] datatype [trigger] [period] [offset] {hold}
Syntax Description Example
destination COM1 or COM2 or FILE COM1
datatype Enter one of the valid ASCII or Binary PDC logs, see Page 64. STATUSA
trigger ONTIME [period] [offset], ONCE or CONTINUOUSLY ONTIME
period Used with the ONTIME trigger (seconds). 60
offset Used with the ONTIME trigger (seconds). It provides the ability to offset the logging
events. If you wished to log data at 1 second after every minute you would set the
period to 60 seconds and the offset to 1 second (the default is 0).
hold Will prevent a log form being removed when the PDC UNLOGALL command is
Syntax 2:
This command permits you to remove a specific log request from the system.
If [destination] is not specified, it is defaulted to the port that the command was received on. This feature eliminates the
need for you to know which port you are communicating on if you want logs to come back to the same destination you
sent commands to.
PDC UNLOG [destination] datatype
Syntax Range Value Description
UNLOG - Command
destination COM1, COM2, FILE COMn port or log file from which PDC log originated
datatype Any valid PDC log The name of the log to be disabled
pdc unlog com1 statusa
Syntax 3:
If [destination] is specified (COM1, COM2 or FILE) this command disables all logs on the specified destination only.
All other ports are unaffected. If [destination] is not specified, this command disables all logs on all ports.
PDC UNLOGALL [destination]
pdc unlogall