Appendix E – DL Commands
62 DL™ User Manual Rev 3
site add hilltop 4
site add SW_corner_of_fence 143 1.402 tape_measure
Syntax 3:
Specific site information can be entered or updated using this command. You can enter 1 to 4 of the optional fields in any
order, provided that the syntax is observed. If no value is specified after the ‘=’ sign of a field, its value is cleared, that is,
a default value is assigned to it.
[number=site number]
[name=site name]
Command Option Description Default
number= Enter a site number (up to 8 alphanumeric characters, no spaces) to
identify a set of collected data.
name= Enter a descriptive name (up to 32 alphanumeric characters, no spaces)
to define the site where data collection occurs.
aheight= Enter the antenna’s height, in meters.
ameasure= Enter a code (up to 16 alphanumeric characters, no spaces) that
describes how the antenna’s height was determined.
attrib= Enter an integer code (an integer up to 4 digits long, of your choosing)
that describes this type of site.
site update name=bridge
site update aheight=1.52 name=NE_corner_of_pier attrib=2
site update ameasure=502-TRUE number=7ABCD8 aheight=1.203 name=statue
This command allows you to enable or disable the power-saving mode. SLEEP, entered with no arguments, causes the
DL to disable manual logging (if active), then enter low-power mode and wait for scheduled events. If a logging event is
scheduled to start within a short amount of time, the DL will not enter low-power mode.
Command Option Description
SLEEP - Command
keyword OFF Disable the low-power mode and cause the DL to stay fully powered between
scheduled events.
sleep off