November 15, 2000
QuickStart Rev 99a29 22 June 00
After migrating to NDS, we recommend that you force the backlink to run by issuing a
SET DSTRACE=*B command from the ndstrace command prompt. Running the backlink
process is especially important on servers that do not contain a replica.
NDS Server must be installed on all servers that you want to place a NDS replica on.
" Meet the “System Requirements” on page 23.
" Enable the Solaris host you are installing the product on for multicast routing. Enter
the following command to check whether the host is enabled for multicast routing:
/usr/bin/netstat -nr
The following entry should be present in the routing table: host_IP_address
If the entry is not present, log in as root, and enter the following command to enable
multicast routing:
route add -net "" netmask "" dev -interface
" If you have more than one server in the tree, the time on all the network servers
should be synchronized. Use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to synchronize time. If
you want to synchronize time on Solaris with NetWare servers, use TIMESYNC.NLM
5.09 or later.
" If you are installing a secondary server, all the replicas in the partition that you install
the product on should be in the On state.
" For the first NDS installation on Solaris systems, the administrator needs the Write
rights to the Tree partition to update the schema.
NOTE: The [Root] object, used in earlier versions of NDS, has been renamed to Tree
in NDS eDirectory 8.5.
" For secure NDS eDirectory operations, you will need the NICI Foundation Key file
(filename.nfk, for example, 01234567.nfk), which is available in the license diskette
that ships with NDS eDirectory. Copy the .nfk file to the /var directory on the Solaris
system. If you do not use the NICI Foundation Key, you will not be able to create
Certificate Authority and Key Material objects.