November 15, 2000
Novell Confidential
QuickStart Rev 99a29 22 June 00
Installing Account Management
Installing Account Management Installing Account Management
Installing Account Management
on Linux
on Linuxon Linux
on Linux
System Requirements
" Red Hat 6.1 or later, Laser Linux Suse, or Open Linux with an assigned IP address.
" A Pentium* 200 computer with 64 MB RAM.
" Root (super user) access to the Linux machine. For an installation into an existing
tree, you need administrative rights to the Tree object to extend the schema.
NOTE: The [Root] object, used in earlier versions of NDS, has been renamed to Tree
in NDS eDirectory 8.5.
" Workstations running Novell Client for Windows 95 3.0 or later, or Novell Client for
Windows NT 4.71 or later.
Installing Account Management on Linux
You can use the nds-install utility to install Account Management on Linux systems. This
utility is located in the Setup directory on the CD for the Linux platform. The utility adds the
required packages based on what components you choose to install. After adding the
required packages, the installed Account Management will be configured based on inputs
provided in the ndscfg.inp file.
IMPORTANT: The Account Management configuration input file (ndscfg.inp) opens in the
default editor vi, unless a different value is specified for the editor environment variable. If
you do not want to use vi to edit the configuration input file, you can specify the name of
the preferred editor as the value for the editor environment variable.
1 Enter the following command to run the nds-install utility:
When prompted, accept the license agreement.
The installation program displays a list of components that you can install.