Clicking in the highlighted area this time will hide the waveform display controls, and
revert to the previous window.
There now follows a description of the waveform display controls.
OmniTek XR can operate the waveforms in a variety of different fundamental modes,
which are selected from the ‘Colour mode:’ drop down control. These are –
YCbCr in the original format as per the serial input
YCbCr (SD) displayed on graticules that match regular SD data
YCbCr + composite As YCbCr but also showing a composite display created
from the component data
YCbCr + composite (SD) As YCbCr (SD) but also showing a composite display
created from the component data
Y + RGB Shows luma plus the RGB component data
RGB Standard RGB display
RGB + composite RGB display also incorporating the same composite
display from the other modes
Composite Only shows the composite waveform
Bowtie Shows a standard Bowtie display
In all modes, selector boxes appear for each item included in the waveform display, so
that items not required need not be shown. The remaining items automatically stretch to
fill the space when an item is removed. The waveforms can all be display as full width,
with each different component stacked vertically, or in a standard parade form.
The vertical position of the waveform can be adjusted in conjunction with the vertical
magnification control, to zoom in on particular portions of the waveform. However this