Item order
Playlist items can be ordered (moved up and down the list) by using the up/down arrow
toolbar buttons or the ‘Move selected pattern down’/’Move selected pattern up’ menu
items in the ‘Pattern’ main menu. These actions will only affect the selected item. You
can also move an item up or down the list by using the ‘Move up’ and ‘Move down’
context menu items; these will move any item up or down the list (selected or otherwise).
Delete item
To delete an item in the playlist use the cross toolbar button, the ‘Remove selected
pattern’ menu item under the ‘Pattern’ main menu, or press the delete key. These actions
will only affect the selected item. Use the context menu ‘Remove’ item to delete an item
(selected or otherwise).
Playlist save/open/new
Playlists can be saved or opened using the ‘Save playlist’ or ‘Open playlist’ toolbar
buttons or the ‘Save playlist’, ‘Save playlist as’ , and ‘Open Playlist’ menu items under the
‘File’ main menu. Use the ‘New playlist’ toolbar button or ‘New playlist’ menu item found
under the ‘File’ main menu to create a new blank playlist. Playlists are saved as .odp
files. The last used playlist will be opened automatically when OmniTek LAB starts up.
Note that there is a very tight cohesion between the playlist and the Gen configuration.
Since the playlist is only a set of ‘instances’ of patterns, the ‘source’ patterns have to be
intact in the current configuration. If a playlist item is not found in the current
configuration an error message will be displayed.
Important Notes:
When a playlist is playing, the video and audio generator settings are changed to the
ones specified for the current item. If the user goes in to the normal engineering and
changes the video/audio generator settings, these will not affect the current settings
because the playlist is using its version of the settings for the current item. Therefore the
normal engineering settings will not have any effect until the playlist is exited.
item (in
item (in
Playlist status
text (total number
of items, total
Move selected
item u
Delete selected
Edit selected item
New playlist
Save playlist
Item details
(path, type, and