Presets are individual macros that can be assigned to hotkeys. Presets can be freely
assigned to Shift-F1 through to Shift-F12. Presets work in both the normal Windows
environment, and in the full screen modes.
To create a new preset, press the ‘Record’ button. All actions that are performed are
captured, right up until the Stop button on the Presets window is pressed. (The Record
button is replaced with a Stop button during Record mode).
Once Stop is pressed, a dialogue appears to let you assign a name to the preset, as well
as specify the authors name, and a description of the preset. The description appears in
the Preset window shown above.
Once the preset is created, it should be assign to one of the twelve Shift-function keys, by
pressing the ‘Hot-Keys’ button.
Once a preset has been created, the essential control elements are distilled into a text
file. Selecting a given preset and pressing ‘Edit’ opens a text editor. Although care
needs to be adopted, it is possible to edit the text file, and save it back again.
Presets are particularly useful for changing settings such as switching from single line to
multi-line mode, and can be used independently of the assignable full screen modes,
which are also assigned to hotkeys.