
General Features
Features Guide 291
Ringing, Delayed
The extension can be set to ring immediately, delayed ringing, or no ringing.
DIL 1:N Call
When a DIL 1:N call (an outside call directed to multiple extensions) comes in, all
destination extensions ring immediately by default. This setting can be changed to delayed
ringing or no ringing on each member of the DIL 1:N Group basis.
<ICM type PT>
At an ICM type PT, this feature does not apply to DISA or DIL 1:1 calls.
<DN type PT>
Line Ringing Selection is assignable on a DN button (PDN, SDN) basis. However, if Direct
In Lines (DIL) 1:N is established, Line Ringing Selection is determined by incoming DIL
1:N call group setting.
Delayed ringing assignment on PDN/SDN button <Section "2.2.9 PDN/SDN Button
Delayed Ringing Assignment" in the User Manual> does not function for a call which
comes in on a Ring Group extension or a Phantom extension.
Answering a no-ringing call
If delayed ringing or no ringing is assigned to an extension, the extension can answer an
incoming call during no ring or the delay time by pressing the flashing button.
Programming Guide References
3.5 Incoming Group
Group Type
[Destinations] Ringing Type
4.3 Extension Line
Features Guide References
1.3 System Features
1.5 Attended Features
Direct In Lines (DIL)
User Manual References
2.2.3 Flexible Button Assignment
2.2.9 PDN/SDN Button Delayed Ringing Assignment
3.2.5 [005] Flexible CO Button Assignment