7. Operation and Maintenance
9700-A2-GB20-20 December 2002 7-15
% Maximum number of dynamic
NAT translations rules reached
An attempt was made to add a dynamic NAT
translation, but the maximum number of translations
have already been reached. Keywords list and pool
were specified, but not overload.
% Maximum number of static NAT
translations reached
An attempt was made to add a static NAT
translation, but the maximum number of translations
have already been reached. Keyword static was
entered, with two IP addresses, but no protocol
% Maximum number of dynamic
PAT translations rules reached
An attempt was made to add a dynamic PAT
translation, but the maximum number of translations
have already been reached. Keywords list and
either pool or interface, and overload are
% Maximum number of static PAT
translations reached
An attempt was made to add a static PAT
translation, but the maximum number of translations
have already been reached. Keywords static and
interface were entered that specify two IP
addresses, protocol, and a local TCP/UDP port
% Maximum number of
sub-interfaces already exist
An attempt was made to create a new sub-interface,
but the maximum number of sub-interfaces have
already been created.
% NAT pool does not exist The NAT pool entered does not exist.
% NAT pools can’t have more than
254 IP addresses
The number of IP addresses in a NAT pool cannot
exceed 254.
% NAT Prefix range is 24–32 An attempt was made to enter a prefix length that is
outside the valid range.
% NAT Translation timeout must be
in the range 0–2147483647
An attempt was made to enter a NAT timeout that is
outside the valid range.
% Next Hop IP address is assigned
to an interface
The route entered with a Next Hop IP address is the
IP address assigned to the interface.
% Next Hop IP address must fall
within the IP address range
assigned to the interface
The route entered with a Next Hop IP address does
not fall within the IP address range for the interface.
% Only bridge group 1 is supported
at this time
A bridge group was specified that is outside the
valid range.
% Ping packets must be between
0–1500 bytes
An attempt was made to initiate a Ping test with a
packet length that is outside the valid range.
% Ping timeout must be between
1–30 seconds
An attempt was made to initiate a Ping test with a
timeout that is outside the valid range.
% PVC already assigned to
The DLCI is already assigned on an interface other
than the current sub-interface.
% PVC is already defined The DLCI is already defined on the current
Table 7-4. CLI Messages (3 of 5)
Message What It Indicates