40. Sparingly apply Starter Drive Grease (PN
2871423) to the starter drive. Install the starter
NOTE: There are thrust washers on both sides of
starter drive.
41. Install stator assembly (S) and bolts. Torque bolts
to 96 ± 12 in.lbs. (10.85 ± 0.35 Nm).
42. Install the the wire hold down bracket (T). Install
two new wire hold down bolts. New bolts contain
patch--lock. Torque bolts to 96 ± 12 in.lbs. (10.85
± 0.35 Nm) and follow the proper bolt torque
sequence on Pg. 3.3). Coat the stator wire
grommet (U) with Nyogelt Grease (PN
NOTE: Be sure the stator wires are routed properly
under the wire hold down bracket.
Replace 2 bolts with new bolts
Stator Assembly Bolt Torque:
96 ± 12 in.lbs. (10.85 ± 0.35 Nm)
43. Install the flywheel, washer, nut, and key. Torque
flywheel nut to 65 ± 7 ft. lbs. (88 ± 9.50 Nm).
65 ± 7 ft. lbs.
(88 ± 9.50 Nm)
Flywheel Nut Torque:
65 ± 7 ft. lbs. (88 ± 9.50 Nm)
44. Install stator housingwith new O-rings. Torquethe
bolts to 96 ± 12 in.lbs. (10.85 ± 0.35 Nm) and follow
proper bolt torque sequence Pg. 3.4.
96 ± 12 in. lbs.
(10.85 ± 0.35 Nm)
Stator Housing Bolt Torque:
96 ± 12 in. lbs. (10.85 ± 0.35 Nm)
*Torque in Proper Sequence (Pg. 3.4)