Thrust Washer Thickness
Standard: .030″ (.76mm)
Service Limit: .025″ (.64mm)
2. Lift one-way clutch off shaft. Replace as an
assembly if worn, damaged, or if problems were
3. Inspect surface of shaft for pitting, grooves, or
damage. Measure the outside diameter and
compare to specifications. Replace the drive
clutch assembly if shaft is worn or damaged.
Shaft Diameter
Standard: 1.3745″ - 1.375″
Service Limit: 1.3730″
4. Remove21/2″ PTFE washer from shaft. Visually
inspect the washer for damage. Measure the
thickness and compare to specification. Replace
if worn or damaged.
PTFE Washer Thickness
Standard: .030″ (.76mm)
Service Limit: .025″ (.64mm)
1. Inspect the Teflont coating on the moveable
sheave bushing. Inspect BOTH sheaves for signs
of wear, grooving or cracking. Clean surfaces with
a3Mt pad if needed
Moveable Sheave Bushing Inspection:
Replace the cover bushing if more
brass than Teflont is visible on the
bushing. Refer to bushing replacement
in this chapter.