6. Relieve the fuel pressure at the fuel test valve.
Test Valve
7. Loosen the fuel tank hose and pull the fuel line
from the tank. NOTE: Asmall amount of fuel may
come out of the fuel line or tank. Plug the fuel line
and tank inlet or use a shop towel during removal.
Check the fuel test valve for any possible fuel
seepage after performing any tests or
procedures. Fuel is extremely flammable and
may cause severe burns, injury, or death. Do not
use any device that produces a flame or electrical
devicesthatmaysparkaround fuelor fuelvapors.
700 EFI Shown
8. Removethe air box cover andremove the two gas
tank mounting bolts at the rear of the gas tank.
Front of ATV
9. Carefully pull the fuel tank out of the frame. Keep
the fuel tank horizontal during removal, this will
keep the fuel in the tank from spilling out the top
Fuel Pump/Tank Installation
1. Reinstall the pump/tank assembly.
2. Reconnect the sender wiring harness and route
the harness properly. Install the fuel line and
tighten the fuel line clamp.
3. Reinstall the two fuel tank mounting bolts at back
of tank.
4. Reinstall the PVT intake duct, gas tank vent line,
front cab assembly, and side panels.
NOTE: Properly route the gastank vent line, usetape
5. Reconnect the negative battery cable. Test the
sender for proper operation.
The fuel pressure regulator maintains the required
operating system pressure of 39 psi ± 3psi. A
rubber--fiber diaphragm divides the regulator into two
separate sections--, the fuel chamber and the pressure
regulating chamber. The pressure regulating spring
presses against the valve holder (part of the
diaphragm), pressing the valve against the valve seat.
The combination of atmospheric pressure and
regulating spring tension equals the desired operating
pressure. Any time the fuel pressure against the bottom
of the diaphragm exceeds the desired (top) pressure,
the valve opens, relieving the excess pressure,
returning the excess fuel back to the tank