3. Inspect vent slots (A) in cover and remove any debris or
4. If changing fluid, remove old fluid from reservoir with a
Mity Vac pump (PN 2870975) or similar tool.
5. Begin bleeding procedure with the caliper that is farthest
from the master cylinder. Install a box end wrench on
caliper bleeder screw. Attach a clean, clear hose to fitting
and place the other end in a clean container. Be sure the
hose fits tightly on fitting.
NOTE: Fluid may be forced from supply port (B)
when brake lever is pumped. Place diaphragm (C) in
reservoir to prevent spills. Do not install cover. See
Illustration above.
6. Slowly pump the brake lever until pressure builds and
7. While maintaining lever pressure, open bleeder screw.
Close bleeder screw and release brake lever.
NOTE: Do not release lever before bleeder screw is
tight or air may be drawn into caliper.
8. Repeat procedure until clean fluid appears in bleeder hose
and all air has been purged. Add fluid as necessary to
maintain level in reservoir.
9. Tighten bleeder screw securely and remove bleeder hose.
Torque the bleeder screw to specification.
10. Repeat procedure Steps 5-9 for the remaining caliper(s).
11. Add Polaris DOT-approved Brake Fluid to MAX level
inside reservoir.
Sight Glass
Fill Line
Bleeder Screw
Maintain at least 1/2", (1.27 cm) of brake fluid
in the reservoir to prevent air from
entering the master cylinder.
= T
Bleeder Screw Torque:
25-30 in.lbs. (2.80-3.40 Nm)