Using the special tools listed, test the speed sensor according to
the tester instructions. Remove sensor and inspect the o-ring
seal for damage or wear and replace as required. Replacement
of sensor is required as it is not serviceable.
1. Remove the sensor retaining using a suitable tool.
2. Coat o-ring of new sensor with anti-seize compound or
3. Push new sensor into gearcase housing. Install bolt and
tighten to specification.
1. Drain the fuel tank and remove it from the ATV.
2. Set the fuel tank on a flat surface.
3. Hook up an ohm meter to the fuel sender harness wire (B)
and wire (C).
4. With the sender float in the empty position, the meter
should read 5 ohms.
5. Slowly tilt invert the tank so that gravity moves the sender
float to the full position, the meter should now read 90
6. If the readings are not between 5 ohms and 90 ohms, or if
the reading is erratic or LCD display “sticks”, check the
following before replacing the tank assembly.
• Loose float
• Float contact with tank
• Bent Float Rod
If none of the conditions exists, the sender assembly is faulty.
**Fuel tank assembly replacement is required on EFI models, as
the sender assembly is not serviceable.
Speed Sensor
Test Using Special Tools:
Static Timing Light Harness
PN 2871745
Hall Sensor Probe Harness
PN 2460761
= T
Speed Sensor Bolt Torque
8-12 ft. lbs. (11-17 Nm)
Fuel Sender
Empty: 6 Half