Cylinder Head Inspection
1. Thoroughly clean cylinder head (A) surface to remove all
traces of gasket material and carbon.
Cylinder Head Warp
1. Lay a straight edge across the surface of the cylinder head
at several different points and measure warpage by
inserting a feeler gauge between the straight edge and the
cylinder head surface. If warpage exceeds the service limit,
replace the cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Disassembly
NOTE: Keep all parts in order with respect to their
location in the cylinder head.
1. Using a valve spring compressor (A), compress the valve
springs and remove the split keeper. NOTE: To prevent
loss of tension, do not compress the valve spring more than
2. Remove spring retainer and spring.
NOTE: The valve springs should be positioned with the
tightly wound coils against the cylinder head on
progressively wound springs (A).
3. Push valve out, keeping it in order for reassembly in the
same guide.
Use care not to damage sealing surface.
Cylinder Head Warp Limit:
.002” (.05 mm)
Wear eye protection or a face shield during cylinder
head disassembly and reassembly.