
Integrations with Other Systems
Polycom, Inc. 155
Connection Status
<server name and icons> The Polycom RealPresence DMA system server(s) and one or more of the
following status icons for each:
Warning – Appears only if an error has occurred. Hover over it to see a
description of the problem or problems.
Connected – This is real-time status. The system connects to the
Active Directory every 5 seconds while this page is displayed.
Disconnected – The system either isn’t integrated with Active Directory
or is unable to connect.
Encrypted – Appears only if the connection to the directory is
Status OK indicates that the server successfully connected to the Active Directory. If
it didn’t, an error message appears.
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the Active Directory Integration
User and group cache Shows the state of the server’s cache of directory data and when it was last
Total users/rooms Number of enterprise users and enterprise conference rooms in the cache.
The difference between the two, if any, is the number of conference room
Note: If you don’t specify an Active Directory attribute for conference room ID
generation, the number of rooms is zero.
Conference room errors Number of enterprise users for whom conference rooms couldn’t be
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the Conference Room Errors
Note: If you don’t specify an Active Directory attribute for conference room ID
generation, the number of errors equals the number of users.
Orphaned users/groups Number of orphaned users and groups (that is, users and groups that are
disabled or no longer in the directory, but for whom the system contains data).
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the Orphaned Groups and
Users Report.
Enterprise passcode errors Number of enterprise users for whom passcodes were generated that aren’t
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the Enterprise Passcode Errors
Field Description