Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 316
● Scheduled meeting conference rooms, which are short-lived (they have a start and end time). These
rooms belong to the Conferencing Users who set up the meetings in the RealPresence Resource
Manager system’s scheduling interface.
● Preset dial-out conference rooms (called Anytime conferences in the RealPresence Resource
Manager system), which can be used at any time by someone with the chairperson passcode to
initiate a dial-out conference to a preset list of participants. These rooms belong to the user account
with which the RealPresence Resource Manager logs in.
The following table describes the parts of the Conference Rooms dialog.
Field Description
Room ID The unique ID of the room. Icons identify enterprise conference rooms and
calendared meeting (Polycom Conferencing for Outlook) conference rooms.
Dial-in # Number used to dial into conference room. Automatically set to the dialing prefix
(see Conference Settings) plus room ID.
Conference Template The template used by the conference room, which defines the conference properties
(or links to the Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server or RMX profile) used for
its conferences. See Conference Templates.
The template assignment can be made at the conference room level, AD group
level, or system default level.
MCU Pool Order MCU pool order used by this conference room, which is used to determine which
MCU hosts a conference. See MCU Pool Orders.
The pool order assignment can be made at the conference room level, AD group
level, or system default level.
Territory The territory to which the conference room is assigned.
A conference room’s territory assignment determines which RealPresence DMA
cluster hosts the conference (the primary cluster for the territory, or its backup cluster
if necessary). The assignment can be made at the conference room level, user level,
AD group level, or system default level.
Max Participants Maximum number of callers allowed to join the conference. Automatic means the
MCU’s maximum is used.
Initial Start Time For a conference room created by the Polycom RealPresence DMA system for a
calendared meeting (Polycom Conferencing for Outlook), the start time and date of
the meeting.
For a conference room created by the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager
system (via the RealPresence DMA system API) for a non-Lync scheduled meeting,
the start time and date of the meeting.
Expiration Time For a conference room created by the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager
(via the RealPresence DMA system API) for a scheduled meeting, the end time and
date of the meeting.
Add Opens the Add Conference Room dialog, where you can create a new custom
conference room for this user.