System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 413
dialString Initial dial string as supplied by the originator. If multiple call records, this value
is the same across all segments of the call.
destEndpoint The destination endpoint’s display name, name, alias, or IP address (in that
order of preference), depending on what it provided in the call signaling. If the
destination is an MCU, the MCU name; if a VSC, the VSC value (not including
the VSC character).
origSignalType One of the following:
• h323
• sip
destSignalType One of the following:
• h323
• sip
refConfUUID If VMR call, confUUID of the associated conference.
lastForwardEndpoint If call forwarding, endpoint that forwarded call to the final destination endpoint.
cause Cause value for call termination or termination of this CDR. This may not be
the end of the call.
causeSource Source of the termination of the call record:
• originator
• destination
• callserver
bitRate Bit rate for call, in kbps. If the bit rate changes during the call, this is a list of bit
rate values separated by plus signs (+). For instance:
classOfService Class of service for the call:
• Gold
• Silver
• Bronze
ingressCluster The RealPresence DMA cluster of the originating endpoint or entry point from
a neighbor or SBC.
egressCluster The RealPresence DMA cluster of the destination endpoint or exit point to a
neighbor or SBC.
VMRCluster The RealPresence DMA cluster handling the VMR, or blank if not a VMR call.
VEQCluster The RealPresence DMA cluster handling the VEQ, or blank if no VEQ.
userRole If VMR call, the role of the caller in conference:
• CHAIRPERSON (entered passcode)
Null if not VMR call.
Field Description