
Printek Emulation
90 90 dpi
100 100 dpi
135 135 dpi
150 150 dpi
NOTE: Horizontal movement of the printer's print head is measured in intervals of 1/720 of an inch.
The supported graphics densities above may not be an integral multiple of this resolution. For
example, at 150 dpi, dots may be printed every 4.8/720 of an inch. The printer is not really capable of
printing dots every 4.8/720 of an inch. It will print the dots as accurately as possible, with some at
4/720 of an inch and some at 5/720 of an inch. The overall average will be 4.8/720 of an inch.
Example: The following escape sequence will print five bytes of graphics data at 150 dpi. The
resulting figure will resemble a backslash character, “\”.
Escape Sequence: ESC # 150 0 5 64 32 16 8 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 23 96 00 05 40 20 10 08 04
Printer Controls
Bell BEL
Causes the printer's bell to sound.
Control code: BEL
Hexadecimal: 07
Unidirectional Mode ESC U n
Selects unidirectional mode for n=1, or bidirectional mode for n =0. Printing is normally bidirectional.
Unidirectional printing provides more accurate positioning, but causes lower throughput.
Example: The following escape sequence will force unidirectional printing.
Escape Sequence: ESC U 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 31