
IBM Proprinter Emulation
Printer Controls
Bell BEL
Causes the printer's bell to sound.
Control code: BEL
Hexadecimal: 07
Unidirectional Mode ESC U n
Selects unidirectional mode for n=1, or bidirectional mode for n =0. Printing is normally bidirectional.
Unidirectional printing provides more accurate positioning, but causes lower throughput.
Example: The following escape sequence will force unidirectional printing.
Escape Sequence: ESC U 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 55 31
Automatic Line Feed ESC 5 n
Selects automatic line feed mode for n=1, or cancels for n=0. Automatic line feed mode causes the
printer to automatically perform a line feed (LF) for each carriage return (CR) it receives. Overrides
the “Auto LF” value in the interface setup menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will select automatic line feed mode.
Escape Sequence: ESC 5 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 35 31