IBM Proprinter Emulation
Escape Sequence: ESC H
Hexadecimal: 1B 48
Underline Mode ESC - n
Selects underline mode for n=1, or cancels for n=0. This mode provides continuous underlining for all
characters, including spaces.
Example: The following escape sequence will turn underlining on.
Escape Sequence: ESC - 1
Hexadecimal: 1B 2D 31
Character Sets
Select Character Set 1 ESC 7
Selects character set 1. Disables printing of character values 0 through 31 decimal, and 128 through
159 decimal, so these characters will be treated as control codes. Overrides the “Characters” value in
the interface setup menu.
Escape Sequence: ESC 7
Hexadecimal: 1B 37
Select Character Set 2 ESC 6
Selects character set 2. Enables printing of character values 0 through 31 decimal if they are not used
as control codes. Enables printing of character values 128 through 159 decimal, so these characters
will not be treated as control codes. Overrides the “Characters” value in the interface setup menu.
Escape Sequence: ESC 6
Hexadecimal: 1B 36
Print Single Character ESC ^ n
Prints the character n from the all characters chart. This sequence may be used to print a character that
is normally treated as a control code.
Example: The following escape sequence will print a left arrow. This character is normally not
printable, since it is treated as the ESC control code.
Escape Sequence: ESC ^ ESC
Hexadecimal: 1B 5E 1B
Print Characters ESC \ n1 n2
Prints the next n1 + (n2 x 256) characters from the all characters chart. This sequence may be used to
print characters that are normally treated as a control codes.
Example: The following escape sequence will print an up arrow, a down arrow, a right arrow, and a
left arrow.