Using the TV's Features
Hierarchy of Age-Based Ratings
TV-MA Mature Audience Only
TV-14 Parents Strongly Cautioned
TV-PG Parental Guidance Suggested
TV-G General Audience
TV-Y7 Directed to Children 7 years
and older
TV- Y All Children
TOreset the ratings to View and V,press the RESET
button on the remote.
Press the right arrow button to move the yellow highlight to t le
Status field,
Press t]/(2 Lip OF do\vn LIn'O\V I_LIl[OI1 [o toggle between View and Block. The
status for the rating listed to tile left and all higher ratings atttomatically
changes to Block (and B).
Press OK on the relnote to return to the lnenkl or exit the screen when yon
are finished.
Select Lock Parelttal (.})ll!l'o/.q holn the ]'arelltul Controls nlenu. Enter a
password, and ifyou ]I_i\ei1otalready set your password, you wili be
prompted to enter itagai0 to confirm,
Rating Rating Content
field status field status fields
Viewing Age-Based Ratings
After you block age-based ratings, you have the option of changing some of the
ratings back to Vtew.
1. Determine which blocked rating you want to view.
2. Use the up and down arrow buttons to select the rating with a status
of Block.
3. Press the right arrow button to move the yellow highlight to the rating
status field.
4. Press the up button to select View.
Note: The content slatus fields co*responding to the unblocked rating
become View as well. Thel_and the age-based rating status are the only
fields that automatically change back to View when .you complete
this process.
Note: You must remember to lock Parental Controls for rating limits to
take effect.
Content Themes
D Sexually explicit dialogue
L Adult language
S Sexual situations
V Violence
FV Fantasy Violence
TV-Y All Children
Blocking Specific Content Themes
You can blockprograms based on their content. (Content is represented by the
D, L, S, V, FV and TV Y on your screen. See the heginning of this section for
details.) When you block a content theme for a pmticulhr rating, you
automatically block that content theme for higher rated programs as ,,veil.
For example, if you do not want your child to watch programs that have adult
language (L) rated TV-PG or higher, then you could block out all programming
"IAZ-PGand above containing adult language.
(Steps continued on next page)
Chapter 3 41