Using the TV's Features
Rating Rating Content To
field status field themes
status fields
block program content:
Detennhlc the lov,-es( le\,e] ol" content _,ou don't v, am the child t<>watch.
Use tile up and do_\ n _l[]x)_ r buttons on tile rcm,_t,: to sc,oll Ihrotlgh me
age-based ratings tultil the rating [hat corres]lozids with the !owesl c(>n(ent
you do not want the child to watch appears. (In (]lcexamp]c al/ove, y(>u
would scroll through the ratings until the TV PG rati_-Jg appeared.)
Press the right an'ow hulton to move the hi_hlight to the field
corresponding v.,ith the conten[ thenle you \\ 2(I1I()b]ocl,: o/ff,
Press tile lip o1 dok\n an-o\v I)llllon [0 change content stattlS [:n)ll/ [ "1o /J'
AI! higher ratings' con(enl flleme will aL]tomatically change Io 13
Press OK to return to the lnCllkl or exil the sL Fc'ci3
Note: BroadcaslelTq al-e tlnl Feqllil_'d lo pl'Ol'lde COII/('III /bellH_s ol a_(. a-
based ratings. Programs receiued u,itb no coHteHt themes wi!l olllr be
blocked if you block tbeir age based rating.
Note: You mz,tst remember to lock Parenlal CoHtrols./br ratln 2 limits to
take effect.
status field
status fields
Viewing Specific Content Themes
If you block specific content thenaes, you have the option of going back and
changing some of the content themes back to (V) Vieze
Deternline the content thenles you ,,,,'ant to change Io (|7) _Telt'.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to scroll through the age-based ratings
until the rating whose content thenle you want to change to View appears.
Pi'ess the right arrow button to nlove the yello,a highlight to a pa]ticular
content theme status, such as the B under language (L) corresponding with
Press the up or down arrow button to change its status back to 14 Your
child would then be able to watch programs with TV-14 adult language
content, but not programs with TV-PG or TV-MA language content.
Note: Only tbe content tbenze status coneaponding lo 72_-14
(L) language changes to (V) View. Higher rated co,trent themes, such as
that for TV-MA language, do not change.
42 Chapter 3