The Type is box allows you to select the type of
paper you are going to print. Some settings such
as Photo Paper, Glossy will adjust the printing
mode in the software to account for the quality of
the paper.
Print Quality refers to the amount of ink and the
resolution of the image the printer will print. Fast
Draft uses the least amount of ink, has the lowest
resolution and prints the fastest. It is equivalent
to 300 dpi (dots per inch). Fast Normal and
Normal are approximately 600 dpi and print
slower, but at a higher quality. The Best setting is
approximately 1200 dpi and is used where high
quality images are required. Finally, there is the
Maximum DPI setting. This setting is used when
printing photos and has a correction routine
available under the Real Life Digital Photography
button to help improve the quality of photos you
On this and subsequent pages in the Properties
window you will notice at the top the Print Task
Quick Sets menu. This menu contains some
standard setups for printing different types of
jobs. You may also add job setups to this menu
by typing in a description or name for a job and
clicking on the Save button. This is particularly
useful if you have some standard jobs you run all
the time. Highlighting the job and clicking the
Delete button will cancel any of the jobs in the