Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd.
DM-2A Mark II 2008-02-22
The keys labeled 0 through 9 and the decimal point can be used for inputting values when
needed. You’ll also notice there are four directional keys labeled with arrows as in 2, 4, 6, and
8 representing up, left, right, and down (respectively). Besides the numeric and directional
functions, keys also include these secondary functions:
MOde The DM-2A mark II can display measurements and calculate results inThe DM-2A mark II can display measurements and calculate results in
a variety of units. The upper portion of the display screen (PrA) always shows
channel A pressure, while the lower display area can change according to the
channel B display or the current mode. Press MOde continuously to cycle through
the selections made available from the Setup menu. Choose from these modes:
• Flow Displays the calculated flow though the fan.
• EqLA This displays the Equivalent Leakage Area, sometimes called the
Canadian ELA usually taken at 10 Pa .
• EfLA Displays the Effective Leakage Area (EfLA), sometimes called the US or
LBL (Lawrence Berkeley Labs) ELA and taken at 4 Pa.
• Air change Measures the air changes per hour. This mode requires that you
input the volume on the main screen.
• Flow/Area Displays the flow divided by the area that you have input on the
main screen.
• EqLA/Area Displays the equivalent leakage area (EqLA) divided by the area
that you have input on the main screen.
DM-2A Mark II Dual-Channel Pressure Gauge User Manual
1: Getting Started