Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd.
DM-2A Mark II 2008-02-22
To perform your CGSB 149.10 standards test procedure, follow these steps:
1. Assess and measure the Envelope Area as specified in the standard.
2. With your gauge on and running and from the main operation screen, press the
MOde keypad button to set your gauge to EqLA/Area mode.
For the EqLA/Area mode to be available, it must be enabled. To enable a mode use options
in the Setup screen. A mode is enabled when it is set to a value other than off.
3. Press the enteR keypad button and input the envelope area value according to
your measurements.
4. Conduct door-fan test at 50 Pa or as specified in the standard.
5. Use the @ pReSSuRe keypad button to display the Flow @ 25.0 Pa and the EqLA @
10.0 Pa.
6. Results for EqLA and NLA (=EqLA/Area) may be read directly from your gauge.
7. Your CGSB 149.10 standards test procedure is complete.
For more information on standards used by the Canadian General Standards Board, visit
Canadian ecoENERGY Configuration
The Canadian ecoENERGY Program requires reading of EqLA at 10 Pa and air-changes at 50 Pa.
Most test technicians prefer using imperial units but metric units are simply to apply. Your DM-
2A gauge will provide these values automatically without doing a multipoint test or you can
use Retrotec’s Door-Fan 3.0 software to perform the test manually or even automatically with
Retrotec model Q systems such as the Q46, Q4E and Q56.
DM-2A Mark II Dual-Channel Pressure Gauge User Manual
A: Specific Configurations