
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Glossary of Terms
No Sale
No sale is an operation to simply open the cash drawer.
Override is an operation used to bypass a programmed price or HALO.
Post Tendering
The Post Tendering feature allows the operator to use the register to compute change on cash
transactions after the sale has been finalized.
To calculate change due after finalizing the sale, enter the cash amount presented by the customer and
then press CASH. The amount of change due the customer is then displayed, and the cash drawer
will open.
This is a calculation function only, and no totals or counters are updated by the use of this feature.
Price look-ups (PLUs) are accessed by indexing a code number and pressing the PLU key, or by
pressing a PLU key located on the keyboard. PLUs may be programmed with a preset or open price.
PLUs record their own activity count and dollar total on the PLU report.
A receipt is a printed tape given to a customer as a record of the sale transaction.
Register Number
The register number is a programmable number that prints on the receipt and journal tapes. It
identifies the electronic cash register the sale or report was performed on.
Surcharge (Item)
An item percent surcharge adds a percentage to the price of an item. This addition nets the PLU total.
When a function is programmed as a Stay-down function, it is valid until changed. For example, a
Stay-down clerk remains signed on until either signed off, or another clerk is signed on. A Stay-down
level is in effect until another level key is pressed.
Surcharge (Sale)
A sale percent surcharge adds a percentage to the entire sale.
Tax Except
Tax except is used to exclude the tax from an entire sale.