
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations
Split Tender
The drawer will not open until the final balance has been paid.
2 0 0 PLU #1
3 0 0 PLU #1
1 0 0 PLU #4
DATE 08/15/2003 SUN
PLU 1 T1 $2.00
PLU 1 T1 $3.00
PLU 4 $1.00
TAX1 AMT $0.25
TOTAL $6.25
CASH $2.00
TOTAL $4.25
CHECK $2.00
TOTAL $2.25
CHARGE1 $2.25
CLERK 01 No.00001
TIME 12:00 00
Cash, Check &
Charge Payments on
the Same
Post Tendering
Post tendering is available for computing change after a sale has been finalized. (See program option
#33 in "System Option Programming" on page 108 to enable post tendering.) The second cash entry
is compared to the sale total and the difference is displayed. (The
CLEAR key must first be pressed
for registers programmed with pop-up clerks.)
6 0 0 PLU #1
DATE 08/15/2003 SUN
PLU 1 T1 $6.00
TAX1 AMT $0.30
TOTAL $6.30
CASH $6.30
CLERK 01 No.00001
TIME 12:00 00
Post Tender