
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations
PLU Registrations
All registrations on the SAM4s ER-5115 are made into open or preset PLUs.
In place of traditional department keys, some PLUs are located directly on the
When more items or categories are needed than the number of PLUs available on the
keyboard, registrations can be into PLUs by entering the PLU code number and
pressing the PLU key on the keyboard.
This system simplifies reporting by listing all items (regardless of how they are entered) on the PLU
report, while reporting for groups of items or categories is available from the Group report.
Keyboard PLU Entries
As you make PLU registrations, you can follow your entries by viewing the display. The digits
marked PLU indicate the PLU number being used. The digit marked RPT counts items as they are
repeated or multiplied.
In the following examples:
PLU 1 is programmed for open entries, and is taxable by Tax 1.
PLU 2 is programmed for open entries, and is taxable by Tax 2.
PLU 3 is programmed with a preset price of $3.00, and is taxable by Tax 1 and Tax 2.
PLU 4 is programmed with a preset price of $4.00, and is non-taxable.
PLU 1 level 2 (PLU 118) is programmed with a preset price of $1.25, and is taxable by
Tax 1.
Tax 1 is programmed at 5%; Tax 2 is programmed at 10%.