Setting the switches
• Function
- Memory Switch 0
Bit Function 0 1
F~C Reserved
Red and Black
(inverted black and white) Commands (*3)
Refer to the following table
9~5 Reserved
4 Country Specifications (*1)
(Single Byte countries)
(Double Byte countries)
3~2 <FF> Command (*2) Refer to the following table
1~0 Reserved
(*1) Country Specifications
Country MSW 0-4 = 0 MSW 0-4 = 1
Overseas Standard Specifications Chinese Characters
(*2) <FF> Command Function Selection
MSW 0-3 MSW 0-2 <FF> Command Function <FF> Command Function
Auto cutter model Tear Bar Model (SRP-275A type)
0 0 Executes a form feed. Executes a form feed.
0 1
After paper fed to cutting position
executes partial cut (*3)
Paper fed to the tear-bar position
1 0 Executes a form feed. Executes a form feed.
1 1
After paper fed to cutting position
executes partial cut (*3)
Paper fed to the tear-bar position
(*3) Red and Black (inverted black and white) Commands
MSW 0-B MSW 0-A <ESC> 4 / <ESC> 5 Command Functions
0 0 White/black inverted printing (1 Pass)
0 1 <Option 1> White/black inversion (7 × 9 font print) + enhancing (2 passes)
1 0 <Option 2> Upper line + Underline + enhancing (2 passes)
1 1 <Option 3> Upper line + Underline + double tall expanded + enhancing (4 passes)
This setting functions to specify adornments when the subsequent red (white/black inversion) print
command is set. It is a substitute function for the conventional red/black (white/black inversion) printing.
<ESC> “4”: Red (white/black inversion) printing
<ESC> “5”: Red (white/black inversion) printing cancelled.
When using <ESC> 5 to cancel adornments, it returns to the previously set adornments. (Adornments
such as underline, upper line, double-tall expanded and enhancing are cancelled if there is no command
to set them (for example the <ESC> “-” 1 specification for underlines).)
This setting is enabled only for ANK characters and block characters. It is disabled for IBM block
characters and Chinese characters composed of 12 dot vertical characters (IBM block characters and
Chinese characters do not have adornment with this command).
- Precautions for selecting Option 1.
1) Prints white/black inverted characters using 7 × 9 fonts regardless of the current font size setting.
2) Inserts a one dot string of black printing to the head of the white/black inverted characters.
3) Printing data created on a conventional red/black printer, using 1 and 2 above, there are cases in
which the printing position will shift to the right and a line of printable characters reduced.
(For example, to write 42 digits of red print data using conventional a 7 × 9 font, there is a line feed at
the 35th digit, and the remaining 7 digits are printed on the next line.)
4) Download defined characters defined with 7 × 9 fonts are printed regardless of the current font setting
5) MSW 3-6 must not be set to 1 (ANK character count = many). (This will cause a while line to appear
between characters.)
- Precautions for selecting Option 2 and Option 3.
1) Do not apply an upper line or an underline to characters when rotating 90 or 270 degrees.