[Name] Real-time request to printer
[Format] ASCII DLE ENQ n
Hex 10 05 n
Decimal 16 5 n
[Range] n = 2
[Default] None
[Description] Recovers from an error after clearing the receive and print buffers.
DLE DC4 (fn = 1)
[Name] Generate pulse at real-time
[Format] ASCII DLE DC4 n m t
Hex 10 14 n m t
Decimal 16 20 n m t
[Range] n = 1
m = 0, 1
1 ≤ t ≤ 8
[Description] Outputs the pulse specified by t to connector pin m as follows in real time:
m Connector pin
0 Drawer kick-out connector pin 2
1 Drawer kick-out connector pin 5
The pulse ON time is [t x100 ms] and the OFF time is [t x100 ms]
[Name] Set right-side character spacing
[Format] ASCII ESC SP n
Hex 1B 20 n
Decimal 27 32 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Default] n = 0
[Description] Sets the right-side character spacing to nⅹ(horizontal or vertical motion unit).
[Name] Select print mode(s)
[Format] ASCII ESC ! n
Hex 1B 21 n
Decimal 27 33 n
[Range] 0 ≤ n ≤ 255
[Default] n = 1
[Description] Selects or cancels print modes collectively (emphasized, double-height, double-width, underline)
using n as follows:
Bit On/Off Hex Decimal Function
Off 00 Character font A(9x9)selected
On 01 Character font B(7x9) selected
1,2 - - - Undefined
Off 00 0 Emphasized mode not selected
On 08 8 Emphasized mode selected
Off 00 0 Double-height mode not selected
On 10 16 Double-height mode selected
Off 00 0 Double-width mode not selected
On 20 32 Double-width mode selected
6 Off - - Undefined
Off 00 0 Underline mode not selected
On 80 128 Underline mode selected