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Mounting the Scroll Saw to a Bench
1. When mounting this saw to a workbench a solid
wood bench is preferred over a plywood bench
where noise and vibration will be more noticeable.
2, Hardware to mount this saw to a workbench is Not
supplied with the saw. However, we recommend the
hardware used be not smaller than the following.
Description Qty.
Hex Head Screw, 1/4-20 x length required .................... 3
Flat Washers, 1/4 I.D ..................................................... 6
Lock Washers, 1/4 i.D................................................... 3
Hex Nuts, 1/4-20 ........................................................... 6
3. A soft foam pad to place between your scroll saw and
workbench is NOT supplied with the saw. However,
we highly recommend the use of such a pad to
reduce noise and vibration.
Description Qty.
Soft foam pad such as carpet padding,
24"x 12" x 1/2". ....................................................... I
Do NOT over tighten mounting bolts - leave some cush-
ion in the foam pad for absorbing noise and vibration.
Scroll Saw Base
Hex Head Screw
] _% •
Top View
Workbench /
Scroll Saw Base ._
Hex Head Screw X
Flat Washer -_"\
1/2" Foam Pad. _'N_
(Optional) '__ Side View
Ftat Washer
Lock Washer___=
Hex Nut Jam Nut
If you prefer to mount your saw to a leg set, we rec-
ommend the leg set for bench top tools which is
available through Sears Retail Stores. The number of
this leg set is 9-22244. This leg set is an optional
accessory and instructions to mount the scroll saw to
this leg set are included in the leg set package.