•Donot handhc
sudden slip €_i
ithe blade.
Y_U Wilti Holld the Workpiece Before Leaving the Saw:
in'i_h,:,_: ' ° Waitforall rnovingparts to stop.
:l:pieces s_:ismall thatyour:fingers will ...... Make Workshop Child-proof. Unplug the saw. Lock
i_gula_.:iOse jigs or fixtures to :hold the shop or ONIOFF knob. Store the key away from
ipyo_r_hands away from the blade: children and others not qualified to use the toot.
;_e_ati_ns and hand positions where a
d cause fingers or hand to move into
o_:Don,t Overreach. Keep good footing and balance.
° Keep your face and body to one side of the blade, out
oftine with a possible thrown piece if the blade should
Whenever Saw Is Running:
WARNING: Don't let familiarity (gained from fre-
quent use of your scroll saw) cause a careless
mistake. A careless fraction of a second is
enough to cause a Severe injury,
• Before starting your cut, watCh the saw while it runs. If
it makes an unfamiliar noise or Vibrates excessively,
stop' immediately Turn the saw off:Unplug the:saw:_Do
not restart untilfindingand correctin gthe problem,
• Keep Children Away. Keep;all:visitors a:saf e distance
i from :the saW.:Make,sure bystanders are:clear of the
saw and wo_tSieCei:i :
• Don-t; ForCe::T_l::it better and safer at
its designed rate. Feed the workpiece intothe saw
blade only fast enough to let ,it cut without:bogging
down or binding.=
Before Freeing Any Jammed Materia !,
• Turn switch"OFF"
• Unplug the saw.
• : Wait for all moving parts to:stop.
When backing up the workpiece, the blade may bind
in the kerf (cut),This iiS usually caused by Sawdust
clogging up the kerr. If this happens:
• Turn switch "OFF".
• Unplug the saw.
° Wait for all moving padsto stop.
- With a flat blade screwdriver, turn motor shaft by hand,
by inserting into the slotted end of motor shaft located
at the center of the motor housing. Do this while back-
ing up the workpiece:
Before removing loose pieces from the table, turn
sawoff and wait foraU moving parts to stop: