
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
1 TE O Tracking error signal output to the system controller
2 REXT Connect terminal to the external resistor for the ADIP amplifier control
3 WPP-LPF Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the TPP/WPP low-pass filter
4 VREF O Reference voltage output terminal
5 C I Signal (C) input from the optical pickup detector
6 D I Signal (D) input from the optical pickup detector
7 D-C I Signal (D) input from the optical pickup detector (AC input)
8 IY I I-V converted RF signal (IY) input from the optical pickup detector
9 IX I I-V converted RF signal (IX) input from the optical pickup detector
10 JX I I-V converted RF signal (JX) input from the optical pickup detector
11 JY I I-V converted RF signal (JY) input from the optical pickup detector
12 A I Signal (A) input from the optical pickup detector
13 A-C I Signal (A) input from the optical pickup detector (AC input)
14 B I Signal (B) input from the optical pickup detector
15 TON-C Connect terminal to the external capacitor for TON hold
16 CIG
Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the low-pass filter of NPP divider
17 CDN
Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the low-pass filter of CSL divider
18 PD-NI I Light amount monitor input terminal (non-invert input)
19 PD-I I Reference PWM signal input for the laser automatic power control from the system controller
20 PD-O O Light amount monitor output terminal
21 ADFG O ADIP duplex FM signal (22.05kHz ± 1kHz) output to the system controller
22 DVDD Power supply terminal (+2.3V) (digital system)
23 SBUS I/O SSB serial data input/output with the system controller
24 SCK I SSB serial clock signal input from the system controller
25 XRST I Reset signal input from the system controller L: reset
26 OFTRK I Off track signal input terminal Not used
27 DGND Ground terminal (digital system)
28 BOTM O Bottom hold signal output of the light amount signal (RF/ABCD) to the system controller
29 PEAK O Peak hold signal output of the light amount signal (RF/ABCD) to the system controller
30 VREF075 Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the internal reference voltage
31 VC O Middle point voltage (+1.2V) generation output terminal
32 CCSL2 Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the TPP/WPP low-pass filter
33 RF OUT O Playback EFM RF signal output to the system controller
34 AGND Ground terminal (analog system)
35 to 37 EQ, LP, PS Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the RF equalizer
38 AVCC Power supply terminal (+2.3V) (analog system)
39, 40 OFC-2, OFC-1 Connect terminal to the external capacitor for the RF AC coupling
41 ABCD O Light amount signal (ABCD) output to the system controller
42 FE O Focus error signal output to the system controller
43 S-MON O Servo signal monitor output to the system controller
44 ADIP-IN I ADIP duplex FM signal (22.05kHz ± 1kHz) input terminal Not used