6.Command Specification MODE SENSE
6-54 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
6.8. MODE SENSE (6/10) 1Ah and 5Ah
Table 6-51: Mode Sense (6) CDB Format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (1Ah)
1 Reserved DBD Reserved
2 PCF Page Code
3 Reserved
4 Allocation Length
5 Control
Table 6-52: Mode Sense (10) CDB Format
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (5Ah)
1 Reserved LLBAA (0)
DBD Reserved
2 PCF Page Code
3-6 Reserved
7-8 Allocation Length
9 Control
The MODE SENSE (6/10) commands provide a means to report parameter of default, current and changeable
configuration parameters. They are complementary to MODE SELECT (6/10) commands. The 6-byte and 10-byte
commands can be interchanged.
The format of the data returned is different for the 6-byte and 10-byte commands. See the MODE SELECT (6/10)
commands for the mode header format differences.
LLBAA: The LLBAA function is not supported. This field must be ZERO. This field is defined for MODE SENSE 10
If this field is not set to 0b for a MODE SENSE (10) command, the command terminates with CHECK CONDITION
status, the sense key set to ILLEGAL REQUEST, the ASC/ASCQ is set to INVALID FIELD IN CDB.
DBD: A Disable Block Descriptors (DBD) bit of ZERO indicates that the target may return ZERO or more block
descriptors in the returned MODE SENSE data at the target's discretion. A DBD bit of one specifies that the target
will not return any block descriptors in the returned MODE SENSE data.
PC: The Page Control field indicates the type of page parameter values to be returned to the initiator as shown
Table 6-53: Page Control field values
Bit 7 Bit 6 Parameter Values Description
0 0 Current Values This is the normal default situation where the drive returns to the
initiator its current configuration. Page fields not supported are set to
ZERO by the drive.
0 1 Changeable Values These are any values which a initiator may alter in a subsequent
MODE SELECT command. Any field that the drive allows to be
changed is set to one. Otherwise the field is set to ZERO.
1 0 Default Values These are the default values on power-up
1 1 Saved Values Not supported by the drive
Page Code: This allows the initiator to select any specific or all pages supported by the drive.